The team
The team 2019
- Director
- Gabriele Frimberger
- Press
Sonja Tiefenbacher
Susanne Auzinger (Margarethe von Trotta) - Social media
- Anna Grubauer
- Target group marketing and procurement of films
- Karin Neumayer
- Target group marketing and accraditation
- Cristina Yurena Zerr
- Enquiry of films
Fatemeh Aghili
Karin Neumayer
Sonja Tiefenbacher - Trailer
Albert Waaijenberg
Sonja Tiefenbacher - Website
- Claudius Frimberger-Amsüss
- Grafic
- Wien Nord
- Photography
Jana Madzigon
Jeanne Richter
Cristina Yurena Zerr - Flowers
- unverblümt LOK
- Name of association
- proFRAU – Plattform für Frauenrechte gegen Diskriminierung
- Headquarter
- WUK (Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus)
Währinger Straße 59, Stiege 2
1090 Wien
Austria - Objective
- proFRAU stands up against any form of discrimination against women and any human rights abuse. We use modern media, e.g. internet or film, to make valuable information accessible to you. Our mission is to raise public awareness about women’s situation and to stimulate an open debate to change their perspectives in our society for the better.
- Chairwoman
- Gabi Frimberger
- Vicechairwoman
- Mag.a Doris Einwallner
- Cashier
- Frimberger Gabriele
- Secretary
- Mag.a Jasmin Augustin
- Office (address)
- WUK (Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus)
Währinger Straße 59, Stiege 2
1090 Wien
Austria - Date of origin
- June 23, 2004
- Authority
- Bundespolizeidirektion Wien, Büro für Vereins-, Versammlungs- und Medienrechtsangelegenheiten
- ZVR-number
- 208009903
Copyright/terms of usage
Copyright & terms of usage
© proFRAU, 2006-2021
The usage and promotion of information for private reasons and as a base for discussions or work is recommended, but all rights of authors and copyright has to be obeyed.
Despite careful control of the content we are not liable for the content of external links. The owners of the external sites are responsible for the content of the linked websites.