
Festival 2019
Austria‘s most renowned women’s film festival, is getting ready for its next edition. Since 2004 the festival has created a unique space for women filmmakers from all around the globe, who want to present their work to an interested Austrian audience. 
the festival


Each year in March, right before the International Women’s Day, the women who work in front of as well as behind the camera are the center of attention. The festival’s program offers a great variety of current feature films and documentaries, some of which have been shown at major international festivals, some premieres. The topics range from women’s and sociopolitical issues all around the world to current affairs and arts. 
the films


The popular question and answer sessions give the audience the chance to meet the filmmakers and to discuss the films with experts. 
the supporting program


In addition, since 2010 the festival has presented a retrospective of the works of a successful Austrian filmmaker. 
the retrospective


Since 2017 a tribute to an international female filmdirector is one of the new highlights. 
the tribute


Prices of honour
A price of honour which we donate to a woman who works for the presence of women in the filmindustry is part of the opening ceremony.. 


We are also proud of our cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Verwertungsgesellschaft der Österreichischen Filmschaffenen (VdfS) which gives us the possibility to explore experimental films with a gender focus.



Dear friends of FrauenFilmTage, dear loyal visitors and attendees: we regret to inform you that the FrauenFilmTage will no longer exist. The financial support through...
read more "Farewell"
Dear guest of FrauenFilmTage. We are restructuring the festival, so there will be no screennings and activities in March 2020. To stay in contact with...
read more "Restructuring"
The price of honor is donated
In the course of the opening ceremony of FrauenFilmTage 2019 the price of honor was donated to a political initiative: DAS WIDERSTANDSKINO and there founders...
read more "The price of honor is donated"
The official trailer
The official trailer of the FrauenFilmTage 2019 is online and shall pique your curiosity. Thanks to Albert Waaijenberg and Sonja Tiefenbacher. To the festival
read more "The official trailer"
FrauenFilmTage 2019 is offering an amount of accreditation for those, who are part of the filmindustry and interested in joining us. To the accreditation
read more "Accreditation"
Tribute 2019
We are very much looking forward to welcome Margarethe von Trotta in Vienna from 1.3 to the 3.3. To the festival
read more "Tribute 2019"
